Flexible Hours

Working parents know this feeling: The entire day is a race against time. If you have to work overtime or have an unexpected appointment, you may not be able to pick up your children from the day-care centre on time. What to do? Is grandma available? Can I ask a neighbour?
InHamburg, working parents have the legal right to a day-care centre voucher (Kita-Gutschein). However, the time covered by this voucher is often not sufficient in these special cases. And nowadays, overtime and unexpected appointments are not the exception ...
At our day-care centres, you have the option to buy additional, flexible hours of care for your child beyond those covered by the voucher. You can use up these hours on individual days, according to your wishes and according to your current needs. And this is how it works:
You have the choice between a 5-hour package for 45 €, and a 40-hour package for 320 €. Here, an additional hour of care is 8 €, in the 5-hour package it is 9 €. You decide when you want to use these hours. You do not have to use up the hours within a certain period of time. If your child leaves the day-care centre before the package has been used up completely, or you do not need the remaining hours for any other reasons, you will get your money back.
Also during the ‘flexible hours’, qualified pedagogical staff take care of your child in the familiar surrounding. And the flexible hours at the day-care centre are also good times for your child: Playing, having fun, learning and enjoying each other’s company.
Ask our day-care centre managers about the ‘flexible hours’. They will be happy to advise you! For more information, see our flyer: 'What to do, when there is not enough time? Flexible hours for working parents'.
‘Flexible hours’ is an offer for children who receive care in our facilities on a regular basis. However, there are also flexible care options for children who normally do not attend our day-care centres: our offer for Guest Children.