5 Promises of Quality

Enrolling your child at a day-care centre of the Elbkinder, means choosing a facility of the largest responsible body for day-care centres in Hamburg: 176 day-care centres belong to the Elbkinder. You can find our day-care centres all over Hamburg – thus, often also in your immediate neighbourhood. The Day-Care Centre Finder shows you where exactly.
All day-care centres of the Elbkinder have especially long opening hours – daily from 6 am to 6 pm. Depending on Kita-Gutschein (Day-Care Centre Voucher) , your children receive 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 or 12 hours of care. Any time slots are possible at the Elbkinder. There are no annual holidays at our day-care centres, we are open all year round. The children can grow up from babies to school children with us without having to change facilities. Children with Disabilities receive integrative care, i.e. together with non-disabled children. Other characteristics of the Elbkinder day-care centres are our own kitchens, preparing fresh food every day, as well as the large Outside Areas.
- In our facility, we appreciate children as actors of their own development and thoroughly observe every child individually.
- We make sure that our day-care centre is a stimulating educational place that challenges each child according to their potentials.
- We communicate with the parents, regularly ask about your needs and seek your active participation.
- We organise the joint work in the day-care centre in a way that enables staff to further develop themselves at the workplace and to keep the promises of quality to children and parents.
- We regularly check our work with regard to meeting the promises of quality and the Hamburg education recommendations and at each check we set ourselves new goals for further development.