Guest Children

Many working parents know this situation: During the day, the child is taken good care of by the grandparents, the nanny or the neighbour. But then, something unexpected occurs. The grandmother falls ill, the neighbour has to go away on a trip … Sometimes this happens on very short notice, leaving the parents hardly any time to arrange alternative care for their child. This is often stressful. Can I take some days off on such short notice – regardless of the deadline at work? Who could I ask to look after my child? And how will my child deal with this emergency solution?
For these cases, we provide care for guest children: 28 Elbkinder day-care centres, spread across the entire city, offer besides the ‘normal’ childcare also a short-term and temporary care for children who usually do not attend the day-care centre. The guest children offer is available all-day, on all weekdays and all-year round. The minimum period of day-care of 5 hours is 45 €, plus 10 € for every additional hour. See our day-care centre finder for a list of our guest children day-care centres.
At the day-care centre, our guest children receive a warm welcome and are guided through the day by our qualified teachers. Together with other children they participate in the various playing, learning and activity options offered at the day-care centre. There are stimulating rooms and outside areas for the children to play and explore. The guest children also get a tasty lunch, beverages and little snacks.
There is no minimum age for the care of guest children – if you have a small child, you, the parents, are the best to judge what is the most suitable solution for your child. If you already know in advance that you want to make use of care for guest children, we recommend visiting the day-care centre with your child beforehand, thus giving your child the chance to familiarize itself with the new surrounding. For more tips, see our flyer.
You can check in your child at one of our day-care centres for guest children on short notice – on the previous day or, if need be, on the morning of the admission day. In any case, please contact the day-care centre by telephone, before dropping off your child.
We are looking forward to your child and you!