Healthy Food

The day-care centres of the Elbkinder have their own kitchens where fresh, balanced and tasty meals are prepared every day. A qualified housekeeping leader ensures a varied diet that also considers the children’s wishes, as well as cultural related eating habits. The exceptionell quality of our catering for children was awarded the Fit-Kid-Siegel (Fit-Kid-Seal) by the German Nutrition Society and the Federal Ministry of Food. Apart from lunch, there is also a joint breakfast, little, fresh snacks in between and in the afternoon. Drinks are available to the children around the clock.
However, we do not only focus on good quality at our day-care centres: It is equally important that children can enjoy their meals in a pleasant atmosphere and in nice rooms. Therefore, many day-care centres have established special children’s restaurants.
The children and their teachers also continually carry out their own cooking projects in the children’s kitchens of the group rooms. Afterwards, parents and siblings are often invited over to enjoy the finished results – the little chefs then proudly give away the recipes, so mum and dad can prepare the delicious meals again at home.
All of this contributes to the children enjoying their meals and learning about a balanced diet at the same time. The foundations of nutrional behaviour are laid in childhood – and our day-care centres promote this. If you are interested in reading more about this topic, we recommend our brochure for parents 'In Hamburg sagen wir Mohltied'